Thursday, April 23, 2015

How can we be more effective in offering feedback

Coded FB like in English

We can do so when we have a common code for SEQ and SBQ skills. Yes it can be done.

Turning the humanities Room into a learning room

Walls of learning,

Have clusters of resources for reach topic in US History or/and SS.

Each sub-area will have a cluster of removable sources for:
1. Rise of Hitler and Impact on Germany
2. Rise of Stalin and Impact on Soviet Union
3. Cuban Missile Crisis
4. Korean War

Each cluster will have about 6 to 8 sources. 

SSI and HI using boards, Books and QR codes.

Have boards with sources - about 4 in the library and link QR code to books and websites. students will then be led onto read new sources. From here, the student discovers new sources and then can do their evaluation of the assertion for the HI or the SSI. The URLs may also them to instructions where they have to visit these places. e.g. NKF or AiC to find out more about how well Singapore has managed the issue of an ageing population or how well Singapore is caring for the healthcare needs of Singaporeans. 

Subject Examination Notice

Allows students to focus and to be very clear about what they should be study and spending time on for their exam preparations. There is no ambiguity. 

BLP in the Humanities

Today's BLP sharing session
1) Look through the muscles and think up of a practical lesson plan as explain how your would use this lesson as a teachable moment for BLP or deliberately insert this into your lesson plan.

Teachable moments for BLP

Plan to use the Muscles in a lesson of your choice.

BLP language when we give feedback: Replying/responding, reflective/nudging, evaluative and tracking,

2) Deliberate use of the muscles in GI and HI

Use a common language and use it often. Getting students to use the BLP muscles will be second nature when we ourselves have mastered the muscles and can identify the muscles when we see the muscles in action. Then we can insert the muscles and highten the students' use of them when we need to. 


The lesson on planning went as such:

What are the ingredients for a good plan?
1. Goals ( Added that the Goals had to be SMART. The authentic goal was for the students to think and plan for what they wanted to achieve for their MYE)

2. Desired Outcome ( Added that the desired outcome would be the WHY behind the Goals - I made reference to the purpose and the golden circle)

3. Time (Time means how much time they need to spend on each subject every week. e.g. 2 hours)

4. Resources ( Such resources

5. Obstacles ( These may be distractions which are physical e.g. noisy environment or psychological or emotional such as BGR etc)

The reason why the original lesson for planning a class outing was replaced with planning for the MYE was because this is an authentic and real situation as opposed to the class outing which is imaginary. While it may have been easier to plan in theory a class outing, it was never going to be carried out and so the idea of planning and the steps of planning would never have been practised.

Could we have used GROW ME as the method to plan? Possible...except volition is attained only when we discuss Goals, Current Reality, Options, motivation, what's next and monitoring and evaluation.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Goal setting - a graduated approach

I provided my history students with target setting mechanism that stated the goals they wanted to attained from class test 2.

How far were they from they targets at the end of class test 2?

Here's what the heading looks like:

Combined Humanities – What I want
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe
It can achieve.”

Where I am now

Where I want to be in
Where I want to be in
Where I want to
be in
Where I want to be in
Where I want to be in
Where I want to be in

March 2015
April 2015
(Class Test)
May 2015
(Extended Curriculum)
(Practice papers)
August 2015

My Grade:



My Grade:

My Grade:

GCE O Level Grade

Software that could create self-directed learners

Achieving self-direct excellence in SBQ

1. Self-checking and visualization 
Did self-checking work? Well, it has to go hand-in-hand with visualization. This is because visualization will ensure that students can see in their mind's eye what they need to do in terms of steps to complete an SBQ. Gets students to regularly walk through in their mind's eye
(2 to 3 minutes) how they would successfully complete the different SBQ skills before they write.

2. Pick the correct words to support any claim or assertion. 
Students must read for understanding and pick out the right evidence.

3. Explain evidence in your own words 

Does the PDEEL structure aid thinking when students write SS and History essays

I have decided that PEEEL or PEEL or FEEL just does not work as a format for writing a paragraph for SS or HY. The acronyms do not match those of the LORMs.

So I have decided that we will use PDEEL. This is better.

Students wil then know if the just do the P and D, they can expect only L2 marks.

It forces them to also think of writing to address the issue in the question. This is an important heuristic so that students can be more self-guided in their writing.

Has self-guiding worked?

Answer: Somewhat. It produces less of a robotic answer and students seem to be thinking as they write to address the question. The SS marks appear to show this although about 1/5 of the students about 7 in a class of 35 still need more scaffolding. Where do their difficulties lie? The best way is to ask them in a survey or dialogue.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

can target setting be used as a key to progress?

We need to give feedback and monitoring and movement towards the target. 

Drive motivation 3.0

1.create fun at work
2. As a manager am I motivated?
3. Purpose and profit motive
4. Flow
5. Open classroom - same lesson to be taught by diffrent people
6. Mastery requires going through pain with purpose. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Does self-checking work?

I need to be continuous conscious for the need ti get students to do their own self-checking so that students will become more cognisant to the need to address the questions in a particular way.

Before each exercise and after, as students to carry out self-check and peer checking. will this enhance the quality of the students' answers. 

Better self-directed writing for SEQ

How can we help students learn content more effectively and to recall information better?

1. Look over the notes and place the letters
P = point
D = description
E = Explanation
E = Explain the Example(s)
L = Link

Students must be familiar withe marking LORMs so that he/she keeps in mind the difference in a descriptive and a explanatory answer.

Hence, I have done away with PEEL and created P-DEEL. This fits nicely into the LORMs for SEQ

After classifying the information,the student reads over again and he verbally walks the explanation through the PDEEL.

Committment to Long-term memory comes about only by rehearsal.

In the exam , the students should scribble down the key points according to PDEEL and then use this to address the Type I or II. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Using the right words when inferring

While doing the SBQ on Cod Wars, some students wanted to find a single word to describe the British attitude. They chose the words " Oblivious" and "ignorant". They believe that it meant the same as "not bothered by" and "unaffected by" and "nonchalant".

In place of "nonchalant" they could have used the words to describe the British attitude as "feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm."

"Oblivious" comes close in meaning but is not exactly the same meaning as "nonchalant". 

Reading for understanding in Humanities

Students need to read sources carefully as they scan for information to answer questions in SBQ.

1 good technique to read for understanding is to notice that there is informational clues before and after.

Example: 2013 O level paper on Cod Wars.