Thursday, April 23, 2015


The lesson on planning went as such:

What are the ingredients for a good plan?
1. Goals ( Added that the Goals had to be SMART. The authentic goal was for the students to think and plan for what they wanted to achieve for their MYE)

2. Desired Outcome ( Added that the desired outcome would be the WHY behind the Goals - I made reference to the purpose and the golden circle)

3. Time (Time means how much time they need to spend on each subject every week. e.g. 2 hours)

4. Resources ( Such resources

5. Obstacles ( These may be distractions which are physical e.g. noisy environment or psychological or emotional such as BGR etc)

The reason why the original lesson for planning a class outing was replaced with planning for the MYE was because this is an authentic and real situation as opposed to the class outing which is imaginary. While it may have been easier to plan in theory a class outing, it was never going to be carried out and so the idea of planning and the steps of planning would never have been practised.

Could we have used GROW ME as the method to plan? Possible...except volition is attained only when we discuss Goals, Current Reality, Options, motivation, what's next and monitoring and evaluation.

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